Will Lucas is a husband, father, entrepreneur, and a 1998 Rogers High School graduate. Will is the CEO of Creadio and the man behind Toledo Public Schools Foundation’s new brand “Write the Future” and we have the honor to feature him in our Distinguished Alumni Spotlight.

Tell us a little bit about what you’re doing now — where you live, what you do, family, etc.
I live and work in Toledo. My office is downtown – I run a marketing and video production agency, Creadio, that I started in 2007. We’ll celebrate 12 years of business in January.

I’m a husband and father, passionately working to create opportunities for my family. 

What did you do right after you left TPS?
Before I left TPS as a student I started an internship on a local radio station. That position continued after school for some time, and I eventually secured my own Saturday night show where I had the number 1 show in the city for a few years consecutively.

That internship fed my entrepreneurial spirit and helped me build many of the skills that I employ now running my own company.

What do you remember most vividly about your time at TPS?
What I remember most about my time at TPS was the friendships I built that have lasted through the years. I’m still in relative touch with many of the people who I grew up with – we’ve seen each other become thriving adults.

What was your best day at TPS?
Not sure about the best day, but I can say that the day that is burned in my mind was walking down the main student entrance hall at the old Rogers High School building on my first day there. At the end of the hall was an oversized mirror. My friend, Jacob, mentioned to me that that mirror was very important to Rogers students… you must look good every day. Ha!

What are some lessons you learned at TPS that have served you well in life after graduation?
Exploration. I wasn’t always the best student – I had aptitude, but I always had a lot of ideas and would be working on a lot of things outside of my studies. But I had great people in mentors, counselors, and teachers who would keep me focused on the task at hand, even when distractions were prevalent. They encouraged the things I was passionate about and gave me room to be curious.

What advice do you have for today’s students of TPS?

If you know what you want to do in life, take advantage of every opportunity that gets you closer to that whether it be getting close to a professional, taking advantage of an internship, going after a job, or taking a particular class. Do everything you can to get better at that thing. That should be your most important daily work.

If you don’t know what you want to do in life, your job then is to get as many experiences as possible. Travel, eat different foods, experience new cultures, volunteer. Experiences will shape your outlook, and therefore your goals. When your goals are defined, the next steps to take will become clear.

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