One of the main objectives of the TPS Foundation is to provide scholarships to graduating TPS seniors. The Foundation offers this support to students who are attending traditional colleges as well as those choosing to pursue a Career Tech program.

This year, the TPS Foundation awarded over $30,000 in scholarships to 24 students. The funds awarded help graduating seniors take the next step toward their desired career. To apply for the scholarship program, students were asked to fill out an extensive application, as well as share an essay that described their leadership qualities. The question asked of them was to describe a time in which they took a leadership role and what they learned about themselves throughout that process. The answers provided by the students truly spoke of their passions and showcased their future goals. And while all of the student essays were written for the same purpose, each is unique and inspiring in its own way.


The TPS Foundation board members found the student essays to be outstanding. With such inspiring students, we plan to showcase some of the responses throughout our blog.
Victoria Davis, the recipient of the Toledo Public Schools Foundation Scholarship, had a wonderful quote to share with TPS Foundation supporters. The Bowsher High School senior’s essay mentioned the topic of self-awareness and what she learned about her own through her leadership experience. “Though no matter what form it may come in, self-awareness allows me to pursue my passions and achieve my goals. Yet it is not only this that has and will continue to help me achieve greatness.”

Though no matter what form it may come in, self-awareness allows me to pursue my passions and achieve my goals. – Victoria Davis

Another young and inspiring scholarship recipient, Alexandra Leathers, addressed the hurdles she’s overcome, sharing a perspective that is well beyond her years. “Going through difficult situations and not giving up on my education shows that I can get through anything that is hurled my way. I can still come out on top even when I feel I’m at rock bottom,” said the University of Toledo Tillotson Award recipient. The TPS Foundation board members were incredibly proud to read such a quote and feel that we should all challenge ourselves to see life through a similar lens as Alexandra.