We wanted to share with you some FAQ that we have received about our Creative Impact Grants! Don’t see the answer to your question here – reach out to Ashley at [email protected]

What are the award amounts?

The grants are awarded $500-$2,500. Please note if your grant is lower than $500 that is acceptable and will still be reviewed and considered to be awarded.


Can I provide a link to the item(s) I am talking about in my grant application?

YES! Give us all the details! Don’t forget to provide a description of the direct relationship between the project and the school curriculum.


Do you have any examples of what grants were awarded last year?

Yes we do – please visit our Facebook page to see more photos and information on who received grants previously and what their grant was about.


If I applied last year but did receive a grant, could I apply again this year?

Yes you can apply this year.


Will you award grants involving iPads or any Apple products?

Unfortunately we will not award grants in forms of technology that the district does not support, Apple products are one of those.


Is there a limit on the number of times I can apply?

There is no limit on the number of times you can apply, but only apply once per grant project.


If awarded a grant, will we have access to our funds in the fall semester?

No, the grant applications close in October and then are in a review process. We notify the recipients in January and the funds are available shortly after we notify the recipients.


Do you fund bussing or field trips?

No, we do not fund bussing or field trips.