On November 19, 2019 Executive Director, Erica Halada and Board Member, Mark Luetke had the opportunity to talk about the work of the foundation and the need for continued financial support on WTOL’s morning show!

A few highlights:

  • The foundation is seeking private donations to fill the gap in funding created by state cuts in public education funding and capping the local property tax.
  • Funding will help ensure that TPS students get access to all the resources they need to succeed, funds need to come from private dollars.
  • This past year, TPSF awarded $32,000 in Creative Impact Grants to teachers for innovative and creative teaching projects designed to: promote STEM learning; supplement core curriculum instruction; support social-emotional health by promoting inclusion for the students and school community.
  • Awarded scholarships to 35 students entering college or a career tech apprentice program totaling $42,000.
  • Provided over $40,000 in funding to several schools to support initiatives outside the scope of TPS resources.
  • We need to have continued support and engagement from business leaders, community members, alumni, and individuals who have a vested interested in seeing our public school system flourish!
  • We will continue to oversee the funds in a diligent and responsible manner and ensure that we are funding initiatives that are elevating the district and making long term impact so we can in turn provide the community a visible ROI on their investment.

Watch the clip here!