The TPD Fallen Officer Memorial Scholarship Fund has been set in place to assist the Toledo Public Schools seniors who wish to pursue a career in public safety. If you would like to donate to this scholarship please fill out the form below!

NOTE – The donation form below is for direct donations to the Scholarship Fund –  Future Event tickets etc. are to be purchased via links provided. 


Over $13,500 raised for the TPD Fallen Officer Memorial Scholarship Fund! Hockey truly is a sport that brings a community together. Thank you to the Toledo Walleye for hosting us!

Special thanks to the Toledo Police Department & Columbus Division of Police for all of your support in helping make a difference. All Officers donate their time and money off-duty to support these charity games.

We’ll reiterate the Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost comments:

“The past two years have been among the most difficult law enforcement has faced in decades. Though the vast majority of officers serve with decency, courage and professionalism, they have been unjustly demonized based on the actions of a few. Some people have tried to drive a wedge between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. Fortunately, the vast majority of Ohioans understand that law enforcement is the what keeps their streets, homes and workplaces safe. I thank all the officers who have weathered this storm and stuck to this indispensable mission — especially those who gave their lives doing so. Thank you to the players, supporters, and organizers of the Toledo PD. Vs. Columbus PD Memorial Classic hockey game. Today we remind each other we all play for the same team in supporting our law enforcement family.”

A huge THANK YOU to everyone for helping make the inaugural Toledo Memorial Classic a success! On the ice, win or lose, we all play for the same team in our mission. The game ended in a 1-1 tie, so we will have to do it again next year!